Do you sometimes wonder who that older person is looking back at you in the mirror? Ever find yourself thinking, “How did I get all these wrinkles?” Feel like your body has become a science project gone awry?
In today’s youth-focused culture, aging is viewed as something to be fought off as long as possible. Even for the most liberated of us, growing old can feel like a threat to our self worth, our confidence, and even our very identity. But, it doesn’t have to be that way!
Growing older is an inevitable and—dare I say—beautiful fact of life. From our first breath to our last, we’re here to experience, to grow, and to evolve. With the right mindset, aging can become an incredible gift—one that is full of wisdom, strength, purpose, adventure, and more and more fun.
We’re getting older, but what does it mean to accept and become comfortable with the aging process? Where is the line between growing older and growing old? Does this mean that life should cease its magical adventure and we should consider learning to knit in the corner of the room? Should we pine away for the morning of our life and ignore the joys found in the evening of it? Absolutely not! That’s not what getting older is all about.
A Youth-Oriented Culture
Growing older should never mean adhering to a conventional thought process that dismisses the power of this time of life. In a youth-oriented culture, it is very easy to lose one’s footing and feel the “cool” in your life has been replaced with frost! It can be very challenging to find your balance and your self-respect when a newly discovered line seems to crease your formerly attractive face. Every magazine you see shouts out your imperfections. Madison Avenue dictates that age is something to be avoided, stopped and/or dismissed as immediately and severely as possible. Slicing this and altering that is the only way to keep up. But nothing could be further from the truth!

Now that more and more people are challenging the distortion of Photoshopped photography and distorted perceptions of beauty, the real aesthetics of substance are finally being addressed. When you look into the mirror, do not compare yourself to the latest magazine cover. After all, you don’t look like that person … and neither do THEY! This is all part of a multi-billion dollar industry and it shows no sign of ending or even slowing down.
Getting Older is a Gift
Getting older is a gift not given to everyone. Every day millions of people of every age group are denied this honor. You have a reason and a purpose for being here at this moment and at this time. Your chronological age has nothing to do with your wisdom, worth or dreams. The world is just now beginning to find you and you should be ready to answer the call. Things are expanding daily for you. All you have to do is open your mind to receive these wonders!
The Wildness of the Heart
I have had numerous clients who were ashamed to be dating someone who was substantially younger. For the past year, I have been with someone who is 23 years my junior, so imagine my confusion as to what the big concern is for such a trivial issue! After all, who determines where the heart leads? Who is telling you that you should color inside the lines? It is in the wildness of the heart where aging ceases to exist.
Passion and Wisdom Combined
There is a wonderful melange that can be created by blending the passion of a youthful spirit with the wisdom and pride of growing older. There is a quiet and gentle acceptance and surrender that can be enjoyed and cherished. It can be shared and developed to an even greater extent than you can possibly imagine. After all, nothing is as sexy as a confident person, regardless of their age. As long as everyone involved is above the legal age, they are happy with one another, and it is a positive experience for both parties, who cares?
Really Celebrate Your Next Birthday!
If you find yourself approaching another birthday under less than optimum conditions, please don’t think it has to do with your age! Call me and let’s identify the stumbling blocks you may be ignoring and find how to celebrate this gorgeous, golden moment in time. After all, there will never be another one like it. This is your time to shine. Embrace it!
The article eloquently challenges the societal norms surrounding aging. It advocates for a mindset shift that focuses on the advantages and unique experiences that come with age. This perspective is both refreshing and necessary.
A compelling read. The author provides a strong case for embracing aging rather than fighting it. It’s important to recognize the inherent value and wisdom that come with getting older.
The article’s emphasis on shifting our mindset towards aging is crucial. It’s a reminder that self-worth and confidence should not diminish with age but rather evolve and grow. A well-rounded and thoughtful piece.
It’s interesting to see the author’s viewpoint on age and relationships. The notion that age differences in relationships should not be a source of shame if both parties are happy is a mature and liberating thought.
I agree with Candy. The emphasis on happiness and mutual respect over societal judgments is very forward-thinking and essential in this discussion.
The narrative about aging as a gift is quite poignant. The idea that aging offers a unique blend of passion and wisdom is a concept that should be more widely accepted in our youth-obsessed culture.