How Important are Your Dreams?


Dreams can be mysterious, but understanding the meaning of our dreams can be downright baffling. The content of our dreams can shift suddenly, feature bizarre elements or frighten us with terrifying imagery. The fact that dreams can be so rich and compelling is what causes many to believe that there must be some meaning to our dreams.

Enjoy Dreamingwpid-dreaming-girl-thumb14856243

To understand your feelings and yourself more deeply, pay attention to dreaming. Dreams are the keys to the doorways within. Dreams also serve as a world that is limitless, and they are a place of amusement where you can enjoy yourself. The healthiest people are said to be those who are happy, so why not enjoy dreaming! Record your dreams and have fun with them. Let them amuse you. Maybe even learn how to lucid dream, which means you are aware you are dreaming and can control your dreams. Dreaming can even put you in a good mood that lasts throughout the day, affecting psychological structure and leading toward all sorts of positive encounters.

A Source of Knowledge

Dreams are a valuable source of information that’s available to anyone who desires to decode their symbolism. Dreams are a place where you can learn about yourself. Some say that dreaming is more honest than our waking consciousness and that in our dreams we reveal our true feelings—especially about the most important issues in our life. Finding the meaning of your dreams is very personal.

Multiple Levels of MeaningKeep-Dreaming

Once you can understand how your own associations work, you will have the ability to interpret your dreams. It is often stated that dreams have multiple levels of meaning woven into a single dream. It is not uncommon to dream about an illness in the body. Sickness can certainly have a somatic influence on dreams.

Dream Dictionaries and Journals

Only you, the dreamer, can know for sure what your dreams mean. Dream dictionaries may help a little and a dream interpreter who has both metaphysical and psychological knowledge of dreams and their meanings can help you figure out your dreams for yourself. But only you will make the final decision about your dreams’ meanings. Everyone has their own associations and symbols that the individual mind thinks and communicates through dreams.

If you are interested in decoding your dreams, consider making your own dream journal and dream dictionary. In your dream journal, record your dreams. Keep it by your bed with a pen, so that you can write your dreams down immediately upon waking. Be sure to have plenty of room to add to your interpretations over time.

 Understanding the Messagedownload (6)

Whether you get to know your dreams more intimately through understanding the messages that come from the subconscious to the conscious mind, or not, dreams are an important part of your being that contribute greatly to health and happiness.

Happy Dreaming!


  1. I find the suggestion to use one’s own associations rather than relying heavily on dream dictionaries to be quite practical. Individual symbolism can vary greatly, and personal experiences undoubtedly shape how we interpret our dreams.

  2. The notion that dreams can be a source of knowledge and self-discovery is very appealing. However, I wonder how much of this is supported by empirical research. It would be beneficial to explore more scientific studies on the psychological impact of dreams.

  3. The concept of dreams having multiple levels of meaning is compelling. From a neurological perspective, it’s intriguing to consider how different layers of our consciousness could be communicating through dreams. However, one must consider the limitations of interpreting these signals.

  4. The article does a good job of highlighting that dream interpretation is a deeply personal endeavor. I appreciate the suggestion to use a dream journal, as it can help track patterns and recurring themes that may reveal underlying issues.

  5. The idea that dreams can offer a window into our subconscious and even influence our mood throughout the day is quite fascinating. This aligns well with Jungian theories of the unconscious. However, it’s important to approach dream interpretation with a level of caution and skepticism.

    • Indeed, Chief. While dream interpretation can offer insights, it is essential to ensure that we do not over-interpret or give undue weight to dreams without considering other psychological factors.


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