How To Prepare for a Powerful Psychic Reading


It is an amazing and unbelievable experience to have a powerful psychic reading.  But of course, you should consider working with an awesome psychic or medium as well. They can take your reading experience from dull to fabulous.  But did you also know that there are things that you can do to help make your experience great?  Yep!  Check these out:

1. Prepare Mentally

What’s on your mind that caused you to make an appointment for a reading?  A day or so before your session take a little time and think about the questions you’d like to ask, or the areas you’d like to cover during your appointment.

If your session is with a spiritual medium, this step is even more important.  In your mind, imagine making an appointment with your dearly departed loved one to meet you at the time of your reading.

2. Be Relaxed

It’s totally normal to be nervous prior to a reading.  (I always ask new clients if they are nervous before we begin and 99% say yes).  However, it really helps the energy flow in a session when you are relaxed.

If you arrive at your session and find that you are a bundle of nerves, take a few minutes and talk to the reader.  Tell them you are nervous and spend a few minutes making small talk. This will often be enough to help put you at ease.

3. Ask the Right Questions

When you ask questions that begin with why, how, or what, you are really opening the door to exploring an issue in depth.  For example, someone might say, “will I ever get along with my in-laws?” which could easily be answered yes or no.

Instead, try asking something like, “what am I supposed to be learning from my relationship with my in-laws?” or “how can I repair my relationship with my in-laws?”

See the difference? The second type of questioning leads the way for an in depth exploration of the issue. You will have a much more powerful psychic reading if you use this style of questioning.

Sometimes, there are even past life connections that come into play that you can’t discover with a yes or no type question.

4. It’s All About Energy!

This is key to a powerful psychic reading!  Keeping the energy flowing during a reading is super important.   If the energy is not flowing, it’s like trying to drive a car with flat tires.

One great way to do this is to be open to all possibilities.  In your reading, discuss the issues you came for, but welcome the unexpected also. (A good psychic reader will have set the intention that your session is for your highest and best good.)

While it’s true that the reader should be doing most of the talking, that doesn’t mean you have to sit solemnly in silence.  In fact, you should participate to keep the energy going.  You can interact without “giving anything away”.  Even an enthusiastic yes that makes sense keeps the energy high.

And don’t worry about all the myths like psychics can read your mind – they can’t – so feel free to relax.

5. Don’t Set Yourself Up for Disappointment – Especially in a Mediumship Reading

preparing 2Here’s a great example that happens all the time.  Someone goes to see a spiritual medium and thinks to themselves, I’m only going to believe this is Uncle Jimmy if he talks about smoking cigars.

The medium could give you a lot of validating evidence but if you don’t hear about that cigar, you don’t believe its Uncle Jimmy.  If most of the information makes sense, go with it.  Sometimes, things might not make sense during the reading, but you’ll have an “Oh, now I understand what that means!” moment later on.

Remember:  The job of a spiritual medium is to give those in spirit a voice.  You may not always hear exactly what you want to hear, but you will hear what your loved one in heaven feels is most important.  If you go in with this mindset, your experience will be more enjoyable.

6. Take Notes

I always start my sessions by recommending to people that they take notes. Even if you have a memory like an elephant, take notes.  People always say they will remember everything –  they don’t. Write down important points.

Also, things sometimes come up that don’t make sense at the time of a reading. Even if these things seem insignificant, write them down too. They may make sense to you later on, or someone in the family might be able to confirm the information.

7. Use a Proper Phone

Telephone readings are a great option for many people, and most mediums and intuitive readers offer them.  In order to get a powerful psychic reading, it is usually better if you use a land line instead of a cell phone. If a cell phone is all you have, make sure you are in an area where you have good reception.

8. Eliminate Distractions

A powerful psychic reading cannot take place if you are distracted. During your reading, you really want to focus on the task at hand.  If you are having a phone reading, make sure you are in a quiet, comfortable place with no distractions – that means no kids running around, ignoring call waiting, etc.

If you are having a reading in person with a psychic, make sure you turn off your cell phone and are not in a rush.  Readings often go over their allotted time.

9. Don’t Show Up for Your Reading with a Hangover

Alcohol and recreational drugs can lower your vibration and negatively affect your energetic fields.  For this reason, you should never drink alcohol or take recreational drugs in the 24 hour period prior to your reading.preparing 3

Prescription and over the counter medication is fine.

10. Enjoy It!

Above all else, enjoy the experience!  A powerful psychic reading should feel like a conversation with a friend that you don’t want to end.

Participate, ask questions, get excited!  Have fun!


  1. Focusing on energy and asking the right questions seems essential for a meaningful psychic reading. The emphasis on preparation, relaxation, and eliminating distractions provides a comprehensive approach to maximizing the session’s benefits.

  2. The recommendation to use a land line for phone readings to ensure good reception is an often-overlooked but valuable tip. Overall, the guide offers a well-rounded set of instructions to make the most out of a psychic reading.

  3. The idea that alcohol and recreational drugs can affect the outcome of a psychic reading is thought-provoking. It’s a reminder that maintaining a clear and focused mind is crucial for such sessions.

  4. The importance of mental preparation and relaxation prior to a psychic reading is well-highlighted. It’s interesting how energy and the way you frame questions can impact the entire experience. Useful tips for anyone considering a reading.

  5. It’s intriguing that even mundane details during a reading can later make sense, as suggested by the note-taking tip. The advice to keep an open mind and avoid disappointment is practical and can enhance the reading experience.


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