How Psychic Readings Can Help You With Your Life’s Struggles


psychic email 1For quite a long time, people have looked for psychic readings to help them get a handle on what’s to come. For instance, various Greek and Roman authors suggest the well known Oracle of Delphi, a post filled by priestesses of a sanctuary on the inclines of Mount Parnassus, who might make expressions which numerous peers accepted could anticipate prospective occasions. Later, during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, predictions by seers such as Nostradamus and Mother Shipton foretold events which some people believe came true in later centuries. Today, the feats of famous psychics such as the late Sylvia Browne inspire widespread popular interest.

Psychic Predictions Sometimes Appear Accurate

The apparent accuracy of some famous psychic predictions attracts ongoing interest. For example, Mother Shipton famously asserted: “Around the world men’s thoughts will fly, Quick as the twinkling of an eye.” Did she foresee the development of the Internet so many centuries ago? Some people think so.

Although debate surrounds the subject of the accuracy of psychic predictions, it remains undeniable that psychics during modern times have sometimes greatly assisted people in accomplishing tasks. For instance, Sylvia Browne would sometimes provide free assistance to police investigations. Other famous psychics have similarly on occasion volunteered to help people locate remains or find missing objects.

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Hit or Miss

One problem with psychic abilities involves the “hit or miss” qualities of many predictions. Sometimes a psychic may accurately foretell one specific event, but miss another completely. The mixed results involved with psychic seer Edgar Cayce’s Earth time line predictions demonstrate this situation. Although the famous psychic would go into a deep trance and utter predictions which assisted literally hundreds of people overcome medical problems and illnesses, often using unusual cures, his predictions about changes that would transform the Earth’s geography at the close of the Twentieth Century did not come true. Many other famous psychic predictions fall into the “didn’t happen” category.

Or perhaps his contemporaries simply misunderstood his predictions? William Shakespeare’s great drama MacBeth illustrates this issue clearly, when a Scottish usurper to the throne obtains devastating results after seriously misconstruing the predictions of three witches. Their psychic advice proved correct ultimately, but the ambitious, worldly nobleman did not possess the clarity of spirit to interpret the information accurately.

An Enduring Benefit From Psychic Readings

Yet perhaps this conundrum of “hit-or-miss” psychic predictions holds a key to deriving very great benefits from psychic readings. As a psychic seeks to understand future events better by reading the energies emanating from a client, the client also obtains an opportunity to contemplate the advice in light of his or her own personal reference points. What would have happened if Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play had interpreted the witches statements differently, without allowing greed and ambition to overcome his moral sensibilities? Might he have better understood himself and his world?


  1. The article’s point about the enduring benefit from psychic readings is thought-provoking. Even if predictions are not always accurate, the process of contemplation and self-reflection it prompts can be valuable on its own. It’s an interesting perspective on the utility of psychic consultations.

  2. The notion that psychic abilities can be ‘hit or miss’ is intriguing. The Edgar Cayce example highlights the unpredictability and the subjective nature of interpreting these predictions. It seems like expecting absolute accuracy from psychics is an unrealistic standard.

  3. The comparison to Shakespeare’s Macbeth is an apt one. Misinterpretation of psychic predictions appears to be a recurring theme, both historically and in literature. It suggests that the value of a psychic reading might also depend heavily on the interpretation by the recipient.

  4. The historical context provided in the article is quite compelling. The Oracle of Delphi and figures like Nostradamus have always fascinated historians and scholars alike. It makes one wonder how much of their predictions were influenced by the socio-political climate of their times.

  5. The mention of Sylvia Browne assisting police investigations adds a layer of practical application to psychic abilities. Even if not all predictions are accurate, the instances where they do provide assistance are worth noting. It lends some credibility to the practice.


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