Executives who Consult with Psychics

Executives who Consult with Psychics

Executives who Consult with PsychicsSuccessful professionals and high-level executives commonly employ a host of advisers, including life coaches, investment advisers, personal assistants, and fitness trainers. Increasingly, those teams of advisers also include psychics, also known as spiritual advisers or intuitive counselors. Even the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs reportedly enlisted a Zen Buddhist Master to serve as a spiritual adviser for the company.

Despite isolated cases involving psychics who were were prosecuted or sued for alleged malpractice or fraud, the psychic services industry overall is robust. The industry includes services like mediumship, palmistry, and astrology among other services, with an estimated annual revenue of $1.9 billion. Revenue grew 2.2 percent between 2009 and 2014, and one research firm projects it will grow at a rate of 3 percent over the next four years.

Read on to find out more about three psychics who gear their services toward increasing the successes of the rich and powerful.

A Secret Weapon

Gillian Oxley says she became one of her city’s top realtors—with roughly $100 million in annual sales—thanks to Colette Baron-Reid, a self-proclaimed “intuitive counselor.” Oxley calls Baron-Reid her “secret weapon.”

Oxley has been a client of Baron-Reid for years. They consult by phone for at least one session every month. Baron-Reid offers Oxley her advice on a wide range of business opportunities and client pitches. Oxley credits her success to those monthly sessions. “I’m a pretty driven person,” Oxley says. “But Colette has helped my business thrive.”

Baron-Reid charges $800 for a one-hour session, and up to $10,000 for a full day. Oxley says Baron-Reid offers her insights not only into my herself, but also related to the people she’s up against, providing her a definite strategic edge.

Executives who Consult with PsychicsBaron-Reid is considered to be among the leading service providers in her unique but growing field. Her clients include top entertainment, energy, and real estate executives. Oscar-winning producer Brian Grazer, a co-founder of Imagine Entertainment, included Baron-Reid in his book A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life, a collection of his “curiosity interviews” with leaders in a variety of professional fields.

Most psychics are willing to admit that they’ve been wrong. Baron-Reid recalls one situation in which she made a mistake about a future business sale. She felt certain that one specific buyer would acquire the business, but the sale fell through. Baron-Ried’s client was devastated, and she felt terrible, too. She acknowledged that everyone will be wrong at some point. “You’re human,” she said.

But Oxley contends that Baron-Reid’s advice to her has consistently been spot-on. Her first reading with the psychic was more than 20 years ago. Oxley was a student and a consultant at a communications firm at the time, but Baron-Reid adviser to start her own company. That’s when she learned not to argue with clairvoyants. Less than a year later, she launched her own business. About 10 years later, also on Baron-Reid’s advice, she switched to real estate.

Intuitive Risk

Executives who Consult with PsychicsPeople would be amazed at the number of entrepreneurs that actually consult with psychics, according to astrologer Robert Ohotto, who counts high-level Google executives among his clients. Ohotto asserts that entrepreneurs who experience any significant level of success either have highly developed senses of intuition of their own, or they consult with people who do.

The financial crisis compelled many Wall Street executives to seek psychic counsel. But few would discuss this publicly. A significant negative public stigma still surrounds “psychics” and “astrologers.” This stigma is somewhat warranted, according to Ohotto, as frauds still exist. Also, many genuine practitioners practice the esoteric arts in ways that are overly mystical and, therefore, off-putting. Executives who admit to consulting with psychics open themselves up to judgment as being too far “out there.”

Ohotto says his clients seek his guidance when they feel stuck in their business or when they need input regarding the best ways to compensate for their blind spots. Ohotto has advised tech entrepreneurs about the ideal time to launch new products, and suggested ways for Hollywood producers to reshape new TV shows before they premiere. Ohotto uses his skills to help entrepreneurs shift their mentalities from “reckless risk” to one of “intuitive risk;” in other words, he advises them about the best opportunities, timing, and strategies in their specific situations.

Ohotto explains that if they don’t take intuitive risks, their companies won’t ever become the next Whole Foods, the next Microsoft, or the next Apple. “You’ll be behind the curve,” he said. “Intuition is the key.”

Financial Psychic

Just as medical doctors and psychotherapists refuse to name their clients, most professional psychics will not name theirs, either. Laura Day, a self-proclaimed “financial psychic,” claims that corporate leaders pay her and her fellow professional psychics as much as $10,000 every month for their expertise. She refused to provide names, since she signs non-disclosure agreements preventing her from doing so. But one former client was quoted in a Newsweek article that anyone who could afford Day would earn a hundredfold return on their investment.

In November 2009, The Telegraph dubbed Day “The Psychic of Wall Street.” This title is due to her claim that she warned her investment-minded clients to pull their money out of the market up to a full year before the onset of the 2008 financial crisis.

Day told the interviewer from The Telegraph that what she does works best if she knows nothing about it, so she doesn’t follow the market. She called herself a complete information desert. When she gets a sense of what her clients should do, she just tells them, leaving them to figure out the reasons why. Day admits she sometimes has no idea what she’s talking about. But she just lets the words flow from mouth. She then simply must trust that her clients will understand and will know what they need to do.

Depending on the business her clients are in, they ask Day how an experimental drug will fare in an upcoming clinical trial, if a movie script should be rewritten, or what issues are lurking in a new form of technology still being developed. When Day works with any company, she’s dealing with industry leaders. She says she’s even worked with companies on the Fortune 500 list.

You don’t have to be a top executive or high-level businessperson to seek spiritual advice or intuitive counsel. Anybody can consult with a psychic. Find your own psychic right now at PsychicOz.com!


  1. The integration of psychics into the advisory teams of high-level executives and professionals is a fascinating trend. It highlights an increasing openness to alternative forms of guidance. However, one must scrutinize the credibility and ethics of such services rigorously.

  2. It’s intriguing to read about the substantial growth in the psychic services industry despite its controversial nature. The reliance of successful entrepreneurs on intuitive counsel suggests a blending of traditional business acumen with esoteric insights.

  3. The involvement of psychics in business decisions, particularly during critical moments like the financial crisis, exposes the multi-faceted nature of executive decision-making. It also raises questions about the transparency and legitimacy of such practices.

    • Indeed, the discreet consultation with psychics during the financial crisis suggests a reliance on unconventional methods during periods of heightened uncertainty. This could imply a search for stability in uncharted territories.

  4. The anecdote about Gillian Oxley and her ‘secret weapon’ Colette Baron-Reid underscores a personalized approach to business strategy. Nevertheless, it is crucial to consider the subjective nature of ‘intuitive counseling’ and the lack of empirical validation in this field.

  5. The use of psychics by executives seems to straddle a fine line between innovative risk management and pseudoscience. While the potential for strategic advantage is evident, the possibility of exploitation and fraud cannot be ignored.


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